Discussion on the Implementation of Government Administration Digitalization Policy - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Di Yogyakarta Province

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Discussion on the Implementation of Government Administration Digitalization Policy

Discussion on the Implementation of Government Administration Digitalization Policy

June 27, 2024 | Other Activities

Thursday (27/6), at the Truntum Room, BPS DIY Province, the Cabinet Secretary of the Republic of Indonesia held a Discussion on the Implementation of Government Administration Digitalization Policy (Focus on Stunting Handling). This event was held in order to explore information and data related to the role of digitization, especially public service malls in helping the Government fight stunting.

In her remarks, the Head of BPS DIY Province, Herum Fajarwati, expressed her welcome to representatives of Cabinet Secretariat RI, BPS RI and OPD who attended. Herum really appreciates the implementation of today's discussion and hopes that the insights can provide a new picture and improvements in combating stunting, especially in DIY.

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