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BPS DIY Province and UMY Agree to Cooperate in the Establishment of Statistical Corner
November 29, 2024 | Other Activities
On Tuesday (26/11), the Head of BPS DIY Province, Herum Fajarwati, attended the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between BPS DIY Province and Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY). This MoU is the first step in the process of establishing cooperation between BPS DIY Province and UMY. The signing will become the legal umbrella for organizing the UMY Statistics Corner, an innovative statistical service to improve statistical literacy in the university environment.
The signing of the MoU was carried out directly by the Head of BPS DIY Province, Herum Fajarwati, and UMY Rector, Gunawan Budiyanto.
With the Statistics Corner, it is hoped that the UMY academic community and the surrounding community can more easily access data and deepen their understanding of statistics.