Focus Group Discussion Calculation of GRDP with CVM method BPS D.I Yogyakarta Province - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Di Yogyakarta Province

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Focus Group Discussion Calculation of GRDP with CVM method BPS D.I Yogyakarta Province

Focus Group Discussion Calculation of GRDP with CVM method BPS D.I Yogyakarta Province

December 2, 2024 | Other Activities

Friday (29/11), at The Malioboro Hotel & Conference Center, BPS DIY Province held an FGD with the theme “With the CVM Method Towards More Quality GRDP Data.” This event aimed to socialize the calculation of GDP /DRB using the Chain Volume Measure (CVM) method, as well as a forum for discussion between OPD, BUMN, and related stakeholders.

The event presented three speakers, namely Gigih Fitrianto (Lecturer at the Faculty of Economics and Business, Gadjah Mada University), Arya Jodilistyo (Head of the BI Yogyakarta SEZDA Formulation Team), and Kusriatmi (Associate Statistician, Head of the Yogyakarta Province BPS Nerwilis Team).

On the occasion, the Principal Statistician of BPS DIY Province, Sentot Bangun Widoyono, who represented the Head of BPS DIY Province, conveyed about the data revolution and the importance of data for development.

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