Internalization of the 2026 Economic Census within BPS Yogyakarta Province - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Di Yogyakarta Province

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Internalization of the 2026 Economic Census within BPS Yogyakarta Province

Internalization of the 2026 Economic Census within BPS Yogyakarta Province

December 17, 2024 | BPS Activities

Tuesday (17/12), BPS Provinsi DIY held an Internalization of the 2026 Economic Census to prepare for the implementation of the 2026 Economic Census. This event aims to coordinate related preparations and describe the directions given by the Central BPS in the implementation of the 2026 Economic Census.

Head of BPS DIY Province, Herum Fajarwati in her speech said that the 2026 Economic Census is a major activity organized by BPS. Therefore, she hopes that all employees of BPS DIY Province can play an active role in the success of this grand event. Herum also reminded the importance of maintaining integrity in every stage of implementation, starting from preparation, data collection, processing, to dissemination of results.
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