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Percentage of Poor People and Expenditure Inequality in DIY September 2024 to Fall
January 17, 2025 | Other Activities
#Datafriends, BPS recorded that the percentage of poor people in Yogyakarta in September 2024 was 10.40 percent, or decreased by 0.43 percentage points compared to March 2024. In absolute terms, there were 430.47 thousand poor people. The percentage of poor people in urban areas was 10.11 percent, while in rural areas it was 11.31 percent.
The poverty line in September 2024 was recorded at Rp 613,370/capita/month. The average poor household in Yogyakarta has 4.32 household members with a poverty line of Rp 2,649,758/household/month.
Meanwhile, the level of expenditure inequality of DIY residents also fell, indicated by a gini ratio of 0.428. The distribution of expenditure in the bottom 40 percent group amounted to 16.48 percent.
#Datafriends can see the summary results in the infographic and the full results on our official website at yogyakarta.bps.go.id.
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BPS-Statistics Indonesia
Badan Pusat Statistik Provinsi Daerah Istimewa YogyakartaJl. Brawijaya