Producer Price of Unhusked Rice on October 2022 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Di Yogyakarta Province

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Producer Price of Unhusked Rice on October 2022

Release Date : November 1, 2022
File Size : 2.24 MB


  • The price of grain producers at the farmer level of the Special Region of Yogyakarta in October 2022 was Rp. 5,159.38, up 0.20 percent compared to the previous month of Rp. 5,149.00. At the milling level, it also rose 0.21 percent, from Rp. 5,219.00 to Rp. 5,230.21 per kg in October 2022.
  • The highest price of grain at the farm level on grain quality GKG worth Rp. 5,850 per kg with IR64 and CIherang varieties, found in Bantul Regency. While the quality of GKP grain is Rp. 4,500,- per kg with the Mekongga variety found in Sleman Regency. On the other hand, the lowest grain price at the farmer level is Rp. 4,400,- per kg on GKP and non-quality grain with Mekongga and Inpari varieties, occurred in Sleman Regency.
  • Grain based on varieties produced and sold by farmers in October 2022, IR 64 varieties by 43.75 percent, Ciherang by 35.42 percent, Inpari by 8.33 percent, Mekongga by 6.25 percent, Mentik Wangi by 4.17 percent and Sintanur by 2.08 percent.
  • In October 2022, the price of grain is below the HPP as much as 4.17 percent for GKG quality grain.
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