D.I. Yogyakarta Figures Of Secondary Food Crops Cultivation Household, Results Of St2013-Subsector Survey - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Di Yogyakarta Province

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D.I. Yogyakarta Figures Of Secondary Food Crops Cultivation Household, Results Of St2013-Subsector Survey

Catalog Number : 5106019.34
Publication Number : 4.531.15.37
ISSN/ISBN : 978-602-1392-31-7
Publishing Frequency : Ad Hoc
Release Date : December 15, 2015
Language : Indonesian and English
File Size : 3.5 MB


Publication of Secondary Food Crops Cultivation Household of ST2013-Subsector Survey (ST2013 SPW) is the result of the processing of ST2013-SPW.S Form. ST2013 SPW is one of agricultural household of ST2013 subsector surveys as parts of a series of the Census of Agriculture 2013 (ST2013) activities held in May-July 2014 in all provinces except DKI Jakarta. As a whole, the surveys consist of 9 subsector surveys. Each survey is published separately with a given publication code from A to I, such as Paddy Cultivation Household of ST2013-Subsector Survey (Book A), Secondary Food Crops Cultivation Household of ST2013-Subsector Survey (Book B), Horticulture Cultivation Household of ST2013-Subsector Survey (Book C), Estate Crops Cultivation Household of ST2013-Subsector Survey (Book D), Livestock Household of ST2013-Subsector Survey (Book E), Aquaculture Household of ST2013-Subsector Survey (Book F), Fishing Household of ST2013-Subsector Survey (Book G), Forestry Plant Cultivation Household of ST2013-Subsector Survey (Book H), and Household Around Forest Area of ST2013 Survey (Book I). Data presented in this publication is limited to six secondary food crops commodities (maize, soybean, peanut, mungbean, cassava and sweet potato) as well as covers general information, profiles, cost structure and socio-economic conditions of household of each commodity. This publication is expected to provide information for the users, especially government for establishing effective plans and policies to develop secondary food crops cultivation
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