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The 2020 Harvested Area and Production of Paddy in DI Yogyakarta

Catalog Number : 5203031.34
Publication Number : 34000.2141
Publishing Frequency : Ad Hoc
Release Date : December 27, 2021
Language : Indonesian
File Size : 14.25 MB


Availability of timely and accurate agricultural data is the foundation for realizing agricultural policy right on target. Since 2018, BPS has collaborated with the National Agency of Technology Assessment and Application (BPPT), supported by the Ministry of Agrarian and Spatial Planning/National Land Agency (Ministry of ATR/ BPN), the Geospatial Information Agency (BIG), and the Aviation Institute and the National Space Agency (LAPAN), seeks to improve the methodology calculation of rice harvested area through the application of objective measurement by utilizing advances in information and communication technology as well as availability of high-resolution satellite imagery. The collaboration is realized in an activity entitled "Agricultural Statistics Data Collection" Integrated Food Crops with Area Sampling Framework Method (KSA)” or better known as the KSA Survey. Survey Implementation KSA for rice commodities began to be implemented nationally in 2018. Field observations KSA survey was conducted on 7 (seven) last day of every month. Based on the results of the KSA Survey in D.I Yogyakarta, in 2020, the rice harvested area is estimated at 110,548 thousand hectares or decreased by 929 hectares (0.83 percent) compared to 2019. Meanwhile, rice production in 2020 estimated at 523,396 thousand tons of GKG. If converted to rice, rice production in 2020 will reach around 295,771 thousand tons, or decreased by 5,697 tons (1.89 percent) compared to with rice production in 2019. In addition to producing area estimates harvest, the KSA survey also provides an overview of the very rice phase others, such as the extent of the early vegetative, late vegetative, generative, puso, and the area of ​​rice fields and fields that are not being planted with rice.
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