DIY Poverty Drops to 6-Year Low - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Di Yogyakarta Province

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DIY Poverty Drops to 6-Year Low

DIY Poverty Drops to 6-Year Low

January 17, 2025 | Other Activities

The poverty rate and expenditure inequality of DIY residents compactly fell in September 2024. The poverty percentage in Yogyakarta was 10.40 in September, down 0.43 percent compared to March 2024. The inequality level or gini ratio of the DIY population was 0.428 in September 2024, which was 0.007 percent narrower than in March 2024.

The latest data released by the Yogyakarta Central Statistics Agency (BPS) on Wednesday (15/01) shows that the poverty rate in Yogyakarta in September 2024 recorded a decrease in the number of poor people by 15.1 thousand people compared to March 2024. The number of poor people in Yogyakarta in September 2024 reached 430.47 thousand people, or the percentage of poor people was 10.40 percent.

This figure decreased by 0.43 percentage points compared to March 2024, which amounted to 10.83 percent. However, the percentage is still above the national average of 8.57 percent.

“The encouraging news is that DIY's poverty and inequality rates fell in September 2024. This achievement is due to the development of several favorable socio-economic indicators such as controlled inflation, DIY's economic growth in the third quarter of 2024 was the highest in Java Island and poverty reduction programs rolled out by the DIY Regional Government and the respective Regency / City Governments,” said Head of BPS DIY Herum Fajarwati.

Furthermore, the development of food commodity prices is more conducive and exports and imports are always positive along with a surplus balance of payments. The tourism sector also grew from the room occupancy rate and the increase in tourist visits that helped drive the DIY economy.
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