In accordance with the mandate of Law No. 16 of 1997, every year ending in 6, BPS must conduct an economic census. Yogyakarta is no exception, in 2026, an economic census will be conducted, which has begun to be prepared since this year.
The Head of the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) of the Republic of Indonesia, Amalia Adininggar Widyasanti, conveyed this to the Governor of Yogyakarta, Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono X, on Tuesday (25/02) at Gedhong Wilis, Kepatihan Complex, Yogyakarta. In this meeting, Amalia was accompanied by the head of BPS DIY, Herum Fajarwati.
This meeting also discussed the support of the Yogyakarta Regional Government to BPS in each of its programs. In addition to the 2026 Economic Census, Amalia said that her visit was also to discuss the National Socio-Economic Single Data. She added, so far various population programs implemented by BPS cannot be separated from the support of the DIY Regional Government. Currently, she again asked for full support related to single data.
“We need support from the DIY Regional Government in updating the National Socio-Economic Single Data in accordance with the mandate of INPRES no. 4 of 2025,” said Amalia.
Amalia explained that the 2026 Economic Census will provide an overview of Indonesia's overall economic portrait. The results of this census will later be utilized for the formulation of economic policies in the regions and nationally. The 2026 Economic Census will be carried out by direct data collection and not sampling.
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